2014年12月26日 星期五


Write a method that returns the number of days in a year using the following header:
public static int numberOfDaysInAYear(int year)
Write a test program that displays the number of days in year from 2000 to 2020.

public class C1 
 public static void main(String[] args) 
  int year = 2000;
  for(int i = 1; i <= 21 ; i++ )//印出2000-2020共跑21次
   System.out.print("年    ");
   System.out.println(numberOfDaysInAYear(year) + "天");
                        //呼叫  numberOfDaysInAYear 並回傳天數   
   year = year + 1;
 public static int numberOfDaysInAYear(int year)
  int a = year % 4;
  int b = year % 100;
  int c = year % 400;
  int day = 365 ;
  if(a == 0 || c == 0 && b != 0 )//為閏年
   day = 366 ;
   day = 365 ;
  return day;//回傳結果



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